ー 参加資格を教えてください。超越瞑想を習っていない人でも参加できますか?
ー 英語が苦手なんですが、参加可能でしょうか?
ー コースでは1日中瞑想しているんですか? 飽きてしまいそうです。
ー 国際コースのイメージができないのですが、どのような雰囲気なのでしょうか?
ー 食事はどんな感じですか?
ー 開催地はどこですか?
ー 開催地には日本からどうやって行くのですか?
ー 飛行機のチケットの取り方などがわからないので不安です。
ー まわりに一緒に行く人がいないんですが、だいじょうぶでしょうか?
ー インド入国にビザは必要でしょうか?
ー 1万人で瞑想するってどんな感じでしょう? 想像がつきません。
ー 世界を変えるとのことですが、どのようにして世界が変わったとわかるのですか?
ー 暇な時間は観光などできますか?
ー 会社の休みが1月10日までなんですが、途中で帰国できますか?
ー ちゃんとしたホテルに泊まれますか?
ー 1人部屋がいいんですが可能でしょうか?
ー 何か困ったときに相談する人はいるのでしょうか?
Travel and Arrival/ Departure
Which airport do I fly into?
Hyderabad International Airport. There are direct flights to Hyderabad from London and Frankfurt and several Middle East and South Asian cities.
■ ハイデラバードの国際空港(ラジーヴ・ガンディー国際空港)です。ハイデラバードへはロンドン、フランクフルト、中東、南アジアの都市から直行便が出ています。
I’m trying to apply for my visa, but the arrival dates don’t include late December.
For many countries, you can only apply for the e-tourist visa 30 days before your arrival to India. If this is the case for your country, you can apply in late November, and you will get your visa in time.
Where can I find the information such as address and reference for my Visa?
We will send this information in a welcome letter after payment has been recieved.
Should I book a flight before I receive an approval email?
We encourage you to research flights and to even make a tentative booking, as long as you can cancel, if necessary, within 30 days or so. Please do not make a “final” booking that you cannot cancel or change, until you receive an email confirming your participation from the 10000 for World Peace office. We are doing our best to make sure approvals are sent quickly.
Will there be chartered flights?
Charter flights are being researched from Europe and Asia. When the information about chartered flights becomes available, you will receive notification via email.
After receiving acceptance to the course, please make your own flight arrangements, unless chartered flights become available.
Can I arrive a few days early?
We encourage everyone to arrive as early as possible to rest and adjust to the time zone. You can stay at the course facility beginning December 24th or stay at a hotel in Hyderabad until the 29th of December. More details will be available soon.
Where can I stay before the course?
You will be able to stay at Kanha Shanti Vanam starting Decemeber 24th for an additional per night fee. More information about on site accomodation, along with a list of recommended hotels at various price points, will be made available as soon as possible.
I don’t want to travel alone to India, what should I do?
We encourage you to try to organize a group from your area or country to travel with. If you do not know anyone, you can reach out to your TM teacher or national office to find others in your area who are also attending the assembly.
How do I get from the hotel or the airport to the course facility?
Air-conditioned buses will be organized from central locations such as the Hyderabad airport to take participants to the facility. More information will be provided in your final acceptance letter. Otherwise, you can also hire a car and driver from your hotel or the airport. If you are staying at a hotel, your hotel will be able to arrange a car for you.
If I cannot travel to India, can I attend online via Zoom?
We encourage everyone to attend in person though some events may be live-streamed.
What time is registration on December 29?
Details about registration will be announced shortly.
What time of day does the assembly finish?
There are no planned events for the departure day of the assembly, January 13, and course participants will need to depart the campus that day.
Should I purchase travel insurance?
This is recommended. Please ask your travel agent or airline.
Are there specific things I should bring with me?
Some personal items that people might find handy include:
• Flashlight
• All personal cleaning and hygiene items
• Slippers (floors can be cold on the feet in this winter month)
• A thermos or flask if you want to keep hot water in your room
- 懐中電灯
- 個人用の清潔衛生用品(身体の清潔と衛生を保つためのもの)
- スリッパ(冬は床が冷えることがあります)
- 魔法瓶または水筒(部屋でお湯を飲みたい場合)
Sponsorship / Course fees
If I contribute at the Sponsorship level, can I indicate the people I would like to sponsor?
No. These donations are to support the Maharishi Vedic Pandits and the Indian students who will attend the assembly to help the group reach 10,000.
Do Governors have the same course fee?
Yes, but if financial assistance is needed, please apply for the scholarship in your application.
Is there a discounted rate for seniors?
There is no special rate for seniors. If financial assistance is needed, please apply for a scholarship in your application.
How does the financial assistance to attend the assembly work?
Applications are considered on merit and the amount of funds available. It is helpful if you indicate what is the maximum amount you can contribute to the course.
Is there specific financial support for Mother Divine and Purusha to attend the course?
Yes, please contact the respective leaders of Mother Divine or Purusha for more information.
Is the course fee in USD?
Is it possible to have sponsorship for flights also?
Not usually, but please reach out to your national TM office to see the possibilities.
Are the fees all-inclusive?
Yes. Fees include your course fee, room and board, and use of all facilities at Kanha Shanti Vanam, except for personal laundry.
What amount of money is recommended for minor expenses such as transportation to and from the airport, laundry, souvenirs, etc.?
It will be good to bring approximately $100-$200 or, if you have a bank ATM card, there will be cash machines at the airport that will dispense Indian rupees.
およそ100 ドルから 200 ドルを持っていくとよいでしょう。銀行のATMカードをお持ちであれば、空港にインドルピーを引き出せる現金自動支払機があります。
Is there funding for those participating in the TM Sidhi Course?
Financial assistance is also available for those participating in the Flying Block of the TM Sidhi Course during the assembly. Please apply for a scholarship in your application. Questions about financial support for the TM Sidhi Course fee should be directed to your local TM center.
Do the Sponsorship Levels include accommodation and the course fee for one or two people?
The Patron, Benefactor, and Sponsor levels of sponsorships include accommodation and course fees for either an individual or a couple.
Is it possible to have a tax-deductible receipt if I am a Canadian tax resident?
Unfortunately, it is not possible.
Is Supporter Level Sponsorship in a tent or in a permanent building?
Permanent building
Can I sponsor some Maharishi Vedic Pandits to attend?
There will be an opportunity to do this. More information coming soon.
Accommodation and facilities
Do the tents lock?
Yes, the tents lock and they have a locker for storage.
What is inside the tents?
The tents have a bed(s), bureau, table, locker, and bathroom.
Are double occupancy tents a double bed or two single beds?
There are two single beds unless otherwise indicated.
特に明記されていない限り、シングルベッドが 2 台あります。
Do double occupancy tents have two beds?
Yes. All double occupancy tents will have two beds.
Can I choose who I share a room with?
Yes. On the application form, when asked to give the name of your roommate, be sure to enter the name of the person with whom you would like to share. Your roommate should also complete their own application and put your name when asked for the name of their roommate on the application form.
Can 3 people be in a tent?
Yes, there are tents that allow up to 4 people.
Is it possible to share a room with someone, even if I do not know someone to share it with?
Yes. Please select double occupancy and we will match you with someone else of the same gender in the same situation.
Is there heating in the tents?
There is no heating in the tents, but there is a blanket on the bed. If you get cold easily, we recommend that you bring a sweater and meditation shawl/ blanket that can be used at night, as well as during the morning program.
Is it possible to stay in a hotel in Hyderabad during the course?
No. The city of Hyderabad is located 50 minutes away from the location of the course and it will not be restful or practical to travel back and forth.
I am taking the Flying Block during the assembly. Are there separate accommodations?
No, there are not separate accommodations.
Is there wifi in the campus and in the tents?
Yes. There is wifi throughout the campus, including in the tents.
Is there purified drinking water available on-site?
Yes, there are multiple drinking water stations throughout the campus. Both filtered and bottled water will be available. Do not drink the tap water or use tap water for brushing teeth.
Are there laundry services available during the course?
Yes, for an extra reasonable charge per item. We recommend however that you do not use the laundry service for items that require special care.
はい。下着やシャツなどアイテムごとに追加料金がかかりますが、ご利用いただけます。 ただし、特別なお手入れが必要なものについては、ランドリーサービスを利用しないことをお勧めします。
Is there somewhere I can store my valuables?
While the tents do have a lockbox, it is not recommended to bring valuables such as jewelry or large amounts of cash.
How to dress around the campus, including for meetings, during the course?
Comfortable, modest attire from your country is acceptable. To respect the local customs, the following items should not be worn: ripped clothing, leggings, shorts, and short dresses/ skirts. Many international visitors may find Indian-style clothing to be comfortable, such as saris and punjabis or a kurta. Please also have loose and comfortable program clothes, preferably of natural fibers. あなたの国の快適で控えめな服装で構いません。現地の習慣を尊重するため、次のような服装──破れた服、レギンス、ショートパンツ、短いワンピースやスカート──は避けてください。
You might also like to pack a more formal outfit for the celebration at the end of the assembly. また、集会の最後に行われる祭典のために、よりフォーマルな服装を用意するのもよいでしょう。
There will be comfortable Indian style dress available for purchase but is not required.
The temperature on the campus ranges from 28 degrees Celsius (82F) and 15 degrees Celsius (59 F) at night, so we recommend to bring clothes that can be layered and a meditation shawl or blanket. We also recommend a belt bag (fanny pack) or other type of small bag to carry your cell phone and other small important items with you during the day.
Am I able to do yogic flying if I am pregnant?
No, however you are still able to do the rest of your program with the group.
Will there be vendors? Will I need to pay for things with cash?
■出店はありますか? 現金で支払う必要がありますか?
There will be some opportunities for shopping. Most small items will have to be paid in cash (Rupees). It is recommended to have about 4,000 -16,000 INR (about $50-$200) for low-cost items such as laundry, transport to the hotel along with more expensive items from the gift shop, ayurvedic herbs, souvenirs etc.
Can I attend for just one week or can I miss a few days in the middle of the assembly?
No. We are trying to build up a wave of coherence over many days and need the same amount of people practicing each day. For the validity of the scientific research, we need to know how many are practicing each day and for the amounts to remain consistent throughout the assembly.
What is daily schedule?
The daily program will be given during registration.
Is there free time to spend in the gym or take a walk?
Yes, however free time is limited.
Am I allowed to bring my phone and computer?
Yes. It is good to have your phone with you to receive course-related messages and updates. If you don’t need to bring your computer, we recommend leaving it at home.
For calling using mobile phones, please check with your home provider if their system will work in India. You may be able to purchase an Indian SIM card when you arrive in India.
Will I be able to attend if I have not learned the TM Sidhis but I have learned Transcendental Meditation?
Yes. On your application indicate that you are a TM Meditator.
Can I attend if I do not practice Transcendental Meditation, but practice a different type of meditation?
For the purpose of the scientific research on the Maharishi Effect that a team of researchers is working to recreate, it is important that all participants practice Transcendental Meditation. If you have not learned Transcendental Meditation but would like to attend, please get in touch with your local Transcendental Meditation teachers – https://www.tm.org/choose-your-country.
Additional Questions
I have a question that isn’t on this list, who can I send it to?
Please submit questions to info@worldpeace10000.org and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
ご質問は info@worldpeace10000.org までお送りください。できるだけ早くご連絡いたします。
We have relevant updates about the assembly in this email, including:
New application deadline
Editing or updating your application Accommodation preferences
Early arrivals and staying on campus
Triple and quadruple accommodation in tents
Children’s attendance
Donating to Maharishi Vedic Pandits/Indian Students if you are unable to come to India
Paying for a friend to attend
Acceptance and Payment
And many other subjects that may be of concern to you. Please review below.
・申込フォームの編集または更新 ・宿泊施設の希望
We are happy to report that we are close to achieving our goal of 10,000 participants in the World Peace Assembly, but ideally need to have another 2,000 individuals or more apply, as that will provide full support for approximately 5,000 Maharishi Vedic Pandits and Yogic Flying Indian students needed.
If you have already applied, please encourage your friends to attend and submit their application before 7th October.
To apply, go to: https://worldpeace10000.org/application/
If you have already applied, please do not submit another application. Any changes to your application regarding accommodation or roommates can be made when you receive your acceptance and are directed to the accommodation and payment webpage. If any other mistakes were made on your application please email these changes to info@worldpeace10000.org.
すでにお申し込み済みの方は、再度お申し込みをする必要はありません。宿泊施設やルームメイトに関する申し込み内容の変更は、コース参加の承認メールを受け取ったときに、宿泊施設と支払いに関するウェブページから行うことができます。また、申込フォームの入力に何か間違いがあった場合には、その変更内容をinfo@worldpeace10000.org までメールでご連絡ください。
Apply Now – Deadline Extended to 7 October
We realize there are many more who have not yet applied because they need some questions answered before they apply, so we have extended the deadline for two more weeks until 7 October.
We encourage everyone to apply as soon as possible, even if all your questions are not yet answered, so that we can know how many are now planning to attend. To apply, go to: https://worldpeace10000.org/application/
申込先: https://worldpeace10000.org/application/
Donate Now
If for any reason you are unable to come to India and attend the assembly yourself, or if you are coming but want to donate to help others come, we warmly invite you to provide a donation to support one or more Vedic Pandits or Indian students who is a Yogic Flyer to participate in the assembly, so that we reach our goal of 10,000. Any size donation would be deeply appreciated and very helpful.
The cost of housing and food for one Vedic Pandit or student for two weeks is $450.
1 人のヴェーダのパンディットや学生の2 週間の宿泊費と食費は450ドルです。
Donors from US and Canada may be eligible for a tax deduction.
Your contribution will help to ensure that we reach the target of 10,000 and the desired effect is created for the world.
Paying for a Friend to Attend
If you are attending the 10,000 for World Peace course yourself and also want to pay for a friend to attend, you may do so when you are acepted for the course and make payment for your course. There will be an option for purchasing a ‘Gift Card – Help someone to attend the 10,000 course’.
If you are not attending the 10,000 assembly, but would like to support a friend going by paying their course fee, then go to: https://worldpeace10000.org/gift-card.
Acceptance and Payment
We will begin to send acceptance letters in the first week of October. In your acceptance email there will be a link where you will be able to choose your accommodation level, make payment, and complete your registration. There will also be an opportunity to adjust your accommodation choice, including your roommates, and to reserve your accommodation for additional nights before 29 December.
We are attempting to answer all your questions as quickly as possible about the assembly, but some need additional research, so may take more time to answer. We appreciate your patience.
If you do have questions, please first refer to the FAQ page of the website https://worldpeace10000.org/faq/.
それでも質問の答えが見つからない場合は、info@worldpeace10000.org まで、電子メール(英文)でお問い合わせください。
As announced previously, visas can be obtained from https://indianvisaonline.gov.in/ Please apply for an e-tourist visa for ‘Yoga program’. However, it appears that for many countries it is only possible to apply within 30 days before arriving in India, so many may not be able to apply until sometime in November. Please check the policy for your country.
以前お知らせしたように、ビザは https://indianvisaonline.gov.in/ で取得できますので、「ヨガ・プログラム」の電子観光ビザを申請してください。ただし、多くの国ではインド到着前30日以内しか申請できないため、11月下旬まで申請できない国も多いかもしれません。お住まいの国のポリシーをご確認ください。
Contact and Address in India
In the visa application you may be required to provide a contact in India and the address of where you are staying. Here is the information you can submit.
Address of the Facility in India: Kanha Shanti Vanam, Kanha Village, Chegur (District), Telangana (State) 509325, India.
Contact: Mrs Poornima (Human Resources)
Tel: +91-99-0800-4499
Email: poornima.p@volunteer.heartfulness.org, or india.hr@heartfulness.org.
インドの施設の住所:Kanha Shanti Vanam, Kanha Village, Chegur (District), Telangana (State) 509325, India.
連絡先:Mrs. Poornima (Human Resources)
Please do not contact Mrs Poornima as this is just in case the Government of India needs to contact someone.
これは、インド政府への連絡用に提供する情報ですので、Mrs. Poornimaさんへのお問い合わせはご遠慮ください。
Affinity Flights – special rates for our group
アフィニティ・フライト: 私たちのグループのための特別料金
We have been negotiating with Air India and other airlines to provide a group rate airfare that would be available for anyone flying from cities around the world. At this time it is uncertain whether we have enough volume for these airlines to grant such a discounted rate. Therefore, we encourage you to find the best flight you can on your own and make a ‘tentative booking’ that you could cancel with 30 days or so, in case you have to cancel.
Arriving days before the course to rest, and staying on campus
Everyone is encouraged to try to arrive at least a few days, and even up to a week, prior to the course to rest and recover from jet-lag before the assembly starts.
全員が、少なくともコース開始の数日前、場合によっては 1 週間前に到着して、十分に休んで時差ぼけを治してからコースに参加されるようにお勧めします。
It will now be possible for you to occupy your accommodation up to five days prior to the course, i.e. from 24–29 December.
The cost per person, regardless of accommodation preference will be $75 per day, which includes accommodation and meals.
Once you have received acceptance to the course you will be directed to a webpage to finally choose the accommodation you would like for the course and the amount to be paid. There will be a section asking if you would like to occupy your accommodation prior to the starting date, i.e. indicating what date you will arrive. You may stay up to five nights in advance, from 24–29 December. It is encouraged that you at least rest for three nights before the start of the assembly.
If you prefer staying in a hotel in Hyderabad, you can also arrange that privately. Below is a list of some hotels with a range of rates. All hotels are within a 40–60 minute drive from Kanha Shanti Vanam. The range of hotel rates is between approximately 10,000 and 12,000 rupees a night ($120 to $140 a night).
Novatel Airport Hotel
Hyatt Hyderabad
Fairfield by Marriott
Lemon Tree
More information about getting from the airport and hotels to Kanha Shanti Vanam, as well as arrival and registration times, will be sent after payment is made.
Triple and Quadruple accommodation in tents
Some have asked if it is possible to have three or four people stay in one tent. If you would like to share a tent with 2 or 3 others, it is now possible to do so.
The Premium and Deluxe tents can be configured as follows:
Single occupancy with a double bed,
Double occupancy with two double beds
Triple occupancy with one double bed and two single beds
Quadruple occupancy with four single beds
If you have not yet applied, you can make the appropriate selection on your application.
If you already submitted your application, once you have been accepted you will be directed to the webpage to complete your payment for the assembly. On this site, you will be able to change your accommodation selection.
If you select double, triple, or quadruple occupancy, you will be asked to put the name(s) of the people you will be sharing the tent with. Your roommates should also put your name when filling out the form. If you do not name anyone, then we will assign someone of the same gender and if possible from the same country or language to room with you.
Please go to https://worldpeace10000.org/accommodation/ to review the various options.
Walking Distances
The campus of Kanha Shanti Vanam is spread over a large area, so in some cases course participants may need to walk up to 1 kilometre (10–15 min walk) to the common facilities, including central meeting hall, Yogic Flying halls, and dining facilities.
There will be some forms of public transport, such as mini-bus, golf carts and bicycle rickshaws, moving around the campus that you may be able to hop on and off from.
Families and Children
In general, we do not encourage parents to bring children who are not able to participate in the programme as meditators or Yogic Flyers.
Children who are 15–17 years of age, and are Meditators, Sidhas, or Rising Sidhas who will be taking the Yogic Flying instruction, may attend the course as long as they are accompanied by at least one parent. The standard accommodation/course fee will apply to participants aged 15–
Children 10–15 years of age will need to have a nanny. There are local nannies available for $36 a day, which includes their accommodation on campus. These nannies speak good English and would be suitable for older children. Indian Nannies will stay in dormitory accommodation. The accommodation fee for children ages 10–15 will be same as above, minus course fee of $500. You can make this selection when you receive your acceptance of the course and are directed to make payment.
To attend the assembly with children under 10 years of age, families will need to be accompanied by their own nanny, as parents and older children should be attending the course and not looking after younger children. Nannies accompanying families would not participate in the assembly and there will be a room/ board cost for nannies to stay in the accommodation selected by the families. There is no accommodation fee for children under 10 years of age if they are staying in your room or tent.
If you would like to bring children and have yet to apply, please indicate this on the application.There is now a question that asks if you will bring your children, and if so, then give their names, age, and other information required. A separate application should be submitted for children ages 15-17. If you have already applied and will be bringing children, please email info@worlpeace10000.org with the answers to the new questions on the application form.
You will also be asked if you desire single, double, triple or quadruple occupancy which is available in the tents now.
If you have more questions about this, please contact info@worldpeace10000.org.
Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme Yogic Flying Block
The fees have been adjusted for those who have taken, or will be taking, the TM-Sidhi course in their country and will receive instruction in Yogic Flying at the assembly, as they have already paid their course fee. Therefore the amount for accommodation will be $500 less than what has been previously posted. There is now only an “accommodation fee”, which includes cost for housing, meals, facilities use, etc.
Those learning Yogic Flying during the assembly will have to choose accommodation in either a Premium, Deluxe or Swiss tent. Dormitory accommodation is not available for this group.
If you have already applied, and indicated that you will be participating in the Yogic Flying block at the assembly, the new, reduced fees will appear in the payment site, which you will receive in your acceptance email. You will also be able to adjust your accommodation choice at this time.
For those who have applied for a scholarship you will be notified in your acceptance as to whether you will be provided with a scholarship. We encourage everyone who has requested a scholarship to also fundraise yourself and contact the National Directors of the TM organization in your country to see if any support can be provided locally towards your course fee.
If you do receive scholarship, you will most likely be housed in Swiss Tent accommodation, so when you are finalizing your accommodation during the payment process, please select Swiss Tent accommodation in either single or double occupancy.
Corporate Sponsorship
We also encourage every country to contact local businesses and corporations to provide sponsorship for the 10,000 for World Peace assembly and we can advertise their company as sponsors at the assembly.
Dress Code
We ask everyone to wear comfortable but modest attire from your country. To respect the local customs, the following items should not be worn: ripped clothing, very tight clothing including leggings as pants, sleeveless tops, tank tops, shorts, and short dresses/skirts. Many international visitors may find Indian-style clothing to be comfortable, such as saris and punjabis or a kurta. There will be comfortable Indian style clothing available for purchase, but is not required.
Please also bring loose and comfortable programme clothes, preferably of natural fibres. You might also like to bring a formal outfit for the celebration at the end of the assembly.
The temperature on the campus ranges from 28° Celsius (82° F) to 15° Celsius (59° F) at night, so we recommend bringing clothes that can be layered and a meditation shawl or blanket, and even a packable sleeping bag for the night. We also recommend a belt bag (fanny pack) or other type of small bag to carry your cell phone, wallet, passport, cash and other small important items with you during the day.
In addition to foam for Yogic Flying, back jacks will be available to provide back support. We will also provide stacking foam for those who cannot sit cross-legged.
Environmental Conditions
Some have asked about environmental influences including small animals, like mice, snakes and insects, such as mosquitoes. The campus is in a deforested agricultural area and every effort has been made to prevent animals on the campus, but considering it is camping in a rural environment in India, it is always possible that small animals could enter the campus. If anyone does encounter such small animals, they can contact the campus staff.
The campus has a preventative system for mosquitoes, but during this time of year there are naturally fewer mosquitoes, so they are not much of a problem. Mosquito nets will be available.
There may be a need for volunteers for certain aspects of the 10,000 for World Peace Assembly. If you would like to volunteer to assist with any aspect, please go to: https://worldpeace10000.org/volunteer/.
Will there be an assembly at MIU during the same period for those who cannot go to India?
We encourage everyone who can, to travel to India for the 10000 for World Peace Assembly, so that we create the global effect of coherence for the world. However, if for any reason someone is unable to go to India, MIU will most likely be holding a course during the same period to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Taste of Utopia assembly which you can also attend, although accommodation may be limited. In any case, everyone is always welcome to go to Fairfield, stay with their friends, and attend group programme in the domes.
答え:基本的には次の 3 つのメニューがあります。
アシュラムでのコースのため、すべてのメニューと料理がベジタリアンになります。より深い瞑想体験を促進するために、食事は玉ねぎやニンニクを使わずに調理されます。南インド料理は伝統的であるため、唐辛子を使用して調理される可能性があります。使用する油の種類について「カンハ シャンティ ヴァナム」のキッチンと相談し、純粋な植物油のみを使用するよう依頼しています。
また動物を引き寄せる可能性があるため、宿泊施設、特にテント内に食べ物を保管しないでください。「カンハ シャンティ ヴァナム」は、外部からの食べ物をキャンパスに持ち込まないように求めています。彼らのゲストとして、私たちはこの要求を尊重する必要があります。
●質問:テントはプログラム会場、ダイニングホール、ミーティング会場からどれくらい離れていますか? どのくらい歩くことになるのでしょうか?
●質問:インドの電圧はいくらですか? アダプターは必要ですか?
答え:電気は220~230vです。お手持ちの端末が対応しているか必ずご確認ください。スマートフォンとノートパソコンは通常、ユニバーサルであり、220 ~ 230v と互換性があります。
電動歯ブラシやカミソリなどの他のアイテムは、米国などの110V 電気システムを持つ国の場合は互換性がない可能性があります。変圧 器のない110v専用の機器を持ち込むと機器が破損する恐れがありますのでご遠慮ください。
互換性のあるデバイスの場合は、プラグ アダプターが必要です。自分の国のプラグに対応するものを見つけるには、オンラインで「プラグ コンバーター 、日本からインド」を検索してください。